PPP Group Guidelines

CONFIDENTIALITY A covenant of confidentiality, so that safety and trust are ensured is critical. This means that all that goes on in our group, who is in our group, what people do, what is talked about, stays in our group and is not discussed outside the meeting with either participants or non-participants.

CHECK-INS Check-ins need to be responsibly brief so we can devote enough time to productive work.

BUSINESS MEMBERS Participants will have the opportunity to step into Whole Hearted Leadership. Business consultants will lead the safety of the group and offer experiences to create deeper understanding of whole body leadership. Since one personal issues can get touched when someone else shares, the processing time helps to make sense of one’s experiences, even when they are not actively sharing. It is not a requirement to share, all participation is invitational. It is each member’s responsibility to claim time to work.

GROUP RELATIONS Group interaction and the development of relationships is a major part of the benefit of our experience as each member explores issues of trust, intimacy, boundaries, respect, support and empowerment. Whole Hearted Leadership happens relationally and many blocks that occurr in business have a personal root. Forming deep relationships can be a valuable aspect of this business experience.

ACCOUNTABILITY Members are screened for this group to ensure common goals are identified and all members will benefit from the business approach. Members are expected to invest in our time together by giving the group priority during our scheduled monthly meetings.

PAYMENT Fees are expected to be paid prior to the meeting and will be automatically drafted. Monthly payment is required regardless of attendance as this is a closed meeting.

PERSONAL CONTRACT I have read and fully understand and I agree to abide and support the contractual commitments outlined in these group guidelines.