For Therapists and Clinicians

stepping into wholeness

As a clinician do you want to learn more about how to treat individuals within a system? Do you recognize an individual is always a part of another system (AKA “relationship”) and those systems play a role in their treatment and healing? Have you felt insecure about your abilities to work with clients with trauma using modalities that will actually help to create behavior change?

Consider joining us at Stepping Into Wholeness for our, Stepping Into Relationship program. You will participate in a healing and learning experience as well as have the opportunity to learn with your whole body. As healers, we can only take our clients as far as we have traveled. Join us, travel with us, learn how to heal body and mind.

Stepping Into Relationship is a great opportunity for clients as well as professionals. 

  • If you are a therapist associate or fully licensed therapist seeking CEUs, this 2.5-day intensive workshop provides a great experience in which you will learn, grow, and be challenged. 

  • You will be able to participate in a group experience as a passive learner.  This means you will observe others, play roles and share your observations.  This goes well beyond traditional therapy.  The work is interactive, invitational and life lasting.  This type of experiential therapy helps clients HEAL not just cope.  Professionals learn how to support individuals on the journey of self-exploration and healing. 

  • SIW is more than an opportunity to gain 14 CEUs; it is a great way to gain valuable experience and see deep therapeutic work in action.

Why would a therapist send their client to SIW?

SIW workshops, by design, are meant to be an addition to a routine or consistent therapeutic treatment plan. When clients are suffering from the effects of unhealthy relationships (isolation, depression, anxiety) weekly sessions can support this condition, and, for clients that reach a plateau or want healing quicker, workshops or group therapy can be the effective addition to the current treatment plan that aids in the progress or change. The benefits of adding a workshop to a treatment plan includes: a better understanding of “why”, the opportunity to create a new and healthy support network, the ability to share the experience with loved ones (if desired) through family participation or couples work (SIW Couples), access feelings, and experience receiving as well as giving empathy.

Clinician registration for Stepping into Relationship is $249, click below to register.

Learn more about Stepping Into Wholeness